Thursday, January 12, 2012

All About Me Questionnaire

Major: Middle Childhood Education, Language Arts and Math
  1. I want my friends to describe me as: Fun, encouraging, driven.
  2. Memorable learning experience: 
  3. My favorite subject at school and why: Language Arts, because I loved reading, writing, and grammar. I always read ahead in my literature textbooks!
  4. Accomplishment I most cherish: Getting the Citation Award in the Awana Clubs program. It was an award for consistently finishing each book every year, which meant read, summarizing, and memorizing a huge chunk of the Bible. It was a lot of hard work, and the accomplishment means a lot to me.
  5. My work habits can best be described as: Motivated and Paranoid (I'm always trying to be two or three steps ahead in my work to make sure everything is done on time -- and before I forget about it.)
  6. Three words that describe me best: Focused, Caring, Absentminded
  7. People may be surprised to know: I was homeschooled for most of my life. (Don't be scared; I have social skills, I promise.)
  8. What I hope to be doing in ten years: Teaching (if I don't have young kids yet) or raising my children if I do, and enjoying life with my husband. :-)
  9. What I do in my spare time: Read, write, plan my wedding, watch my favorite TV shows and movies, hang out with friends and family, cook, and blog about all of the above.
  10. Things I can do without: Facebook, curry, and high prices for everything.
  11. My all-time favorite movie: The Lord Of The Rings trilogy
  12. BG’s best kept secret: The Happy Badger
  13. Three things always found in my refrigerator: Chocolate chips, quesidilla-making supplies, apples
  14. Person I would like to meet: John Newbery or C.S. Lewis